Furla Series #03

Natura imperfetta

Botanical treasure hunt in the Villa Reale’s Garden. For families with children aged 6-11 years.

“Perfect” plants and “imperfect” leaves mingle in what might seem like a “natural” environment, but which has actually been painstakingly designed and developed to create this impression. Like botanical detectives, we will need to carefully examine the plants in the Garden to solve the puzzle presented by the sculptures on display!



Sunday, June 6 10:30 am duration 90’
Sunday, September 5 10:30 am duration 90’
Sunday, September 26 10:30 am – duration 90’


Booking required: admaiora.education


Free activity in Italian language, included in the cost of admission
Booking required:

GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna
via Palestro 16

-> How to get there

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